Asseco Data Systems and Adobe introduce a new standard for cloud-based electronic signatures

The new industry consortium is introducing open standards for mobile electronic signatures.
On 1 July 2016, the new provisions of the ordinance of the European Union on electronic identification and trust services (eIDAS) will go into effect, which regulates among others issues of mutual recognition of secure electronic signatures by the countries of the European Union. Therefore, today Adobe and Asseco Data Systems (ADS) announced the creation of the organization Cloud Signature Consortium.
The Consortium was established as a response to the need for meeting the highest level requirements of the eIDAS Ordinance for EU countries, but we are confident that it will have a global reach, as the demand for highly secure digital solutions continues to grow outside the Union.
The first members of the Cloud Signature Consortium, which includes EU trust services providers, scientists and organizations focusing on standards and security, are:
• Asseco Data Systems – Poland
• Bundesdruckerei / D-Trust – Germany
• Cryptolog / Universign – France
• Docapost / Certinomis – France
• InfoCert – Italy
• Intarsys Consulting – Germany
• Intesi Group – Italy
• Izenpe – Spain
• SafeLayer – Spain
• SwissSign – Switzerland
• Technische Universitat Graz - Austria
• Unibridge – Norway
Electronic signatures based on certificates are the most advanced and secure form of expressing will in electronic form, increasingly used by businesses and governments worldwide. However, the use of electronic signatures in accordance with existing standards is sometimes a cumbersome, time-consuming process, that keeps people tethered to their desktop. In many cases, to submit a signature it is required to use a physical device, such as a USB token or a card reader and a card. Such an approach does not meet the growing demands of consumers and entrepreneurs regarding simple, yet secure solutions that work anywhere and on any device.
Despite the fact that there are already cloud-based electronic signature solutions, they are proprietary and their functionality covers only a portion of customer requirements. Adobe as leader and Asseco Data Systems as a founding member, together with other members of the consortium, are working together to develop an open standard, which will create a new opportunity to create an electronic signature for more than seven billion mobile devices worldwide.
Asseco Data Systems as the leader in electronic signature in Poland feels responsible for the development of this market and open standards. It is very important for us to build innovative trust services based on mobile and cloud technologies. We meet the expectations of the Government of the Republic of Poland which, in connection with the European regulation eIDAS that is entering into force, proposes a series of e-solutions, like an ID card in the telephone. Thanks to solutions like "Certum CloudSign - cloud electronic signature", we give citizens and businesses a chance to sign documents with just a few touches of the screen, without the need to use additional cards and readers. This product fully corresponds to the regulations of eIDAS, and also supports the standards proposed by the global Consortium. – said Andrzej Dopierała, President of Asseco Data Systems.
Why an open standard is needed
The new standard created by the consortium will be critical to furthering digital transformation of business on a global scale by giving everyone access to secure digital signature solutions across a full range of cloud applications and mobile devices. Once implemented, the standard will benefit processes where the key is to identify the person signing the documents, e.g. in applying for welfare benefits or signing credit contracts online. While initially focused on the EU, the Cloud Signature Consortium aims to build a global network of industry contributors and intends to release new standard specifications by the end of 2016. The first cloud-based implementations are to follow shortly thereafter.
Adobe has a history of pioneering and advancing industry standards like PDF. We embrace open standards and, where none exist, we help create them. Today, in collaboration with the Cloud Signature Consortium, we are proud to advance an open standard for cloud-based digital signatures. - said Bryan Lamkin, executive vice president and general manager of Digital Media, Adobe.
About Certum Cloud Sign
Certum CloudSign solution enables easy and safe signing of electronic documents based on trust service compatible with eIDAS. The solution provides services for creating and validating signatures and a wide ecosystem of mobile web and desktop applications run on Windows, MacOS, Android and IOS. Thanks to the service of the virtual card, it is possible to use applications designed to work with thus far very popular cryptographic cards - the standard cryptographic card is replaced by a cloud card run in the data centre of Asseco Data Systems in Poland. By combining the three pillars of business of ADS:
• Certification Centre - responsible for issuing certificates to individuals,
• Data Centre - providing a highly available and efficient server infrastructure,
• Trust Services - designed and manufactured in the R&D laboratories of Certum - Asseco Data Systems,
we are ready to support the most demanding and critical business scenarios that require signing documents online, ensuring that the use of a new form of signature in a form that is safe and as simple to use as sending a text message.
Additional materials:
• Find out more about Cloud Signature Consortium
• Find out more about eIDAS at European Commission and Ministry of Development
• Join us on Facebooku and Twitterze
• FAQ Cloud Signature Consortium (attached)
• Information on Asseco Data Systems (download the PressKit)
• ADS logo (download the PressKit)
• Cloud Signature Consortium Logo (download the PressKit)
• photograph of Andrzej Dopierała (download the PressKit)
• photograph of Bryan Lamkin (download the PressKit)