Asseco has completed project implementing new billing systems at Orange Polska

Asseco has completed one of the largest projects, both on the Polish and European telecommunication markets, namely the migration of Orange Polska's clients to two new billing systems, with the simultaneous shut off of the previous system. The change has included telecommunications operators from the wholesale market and business customers.
As a result of the migration, the data (including historical data) of several hundred thousand subscribers from the B2B sector and several dozen wholesale market operators, using a total of 1 million services, have been transferred.
The new billing system provides the possibility of offering advanced convergent services. In the future, we will be able to develop the system's functionalities and adapt it to our needs on an ongoing basis. All this ultimately translates into a higher quality of service for our customers, which is our primary goal, said Bruno Chomel, CIO at Orange Polska.
As part of our cooperation with Orange, which began over 25 years ago, we have participated in many IT projects of various difficulty levels. Our task has been to develop and maintain selected groups of systems. We are glad that once again we could support Orange in building modern solutions. This is an example of high customer trust and confirmation of the competence of the Asseco team, said Paweł Piwowar, Vice President of the Management Board of Asseco Poland.
The basic assumption of this project was to reconstruct the entire set of functionalities and data from the old system in the new billing environment. This project required full mobilization of our team, as it was one of the largest data migration on the Polish telecommunications market and one of the largest in Europe. Such projects are burdened with high risk and I am glad that once again we have proved that we are a trustworthy partner. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that in addition to the successful migration of customers we have succeeded in shutting off the previous system, which is not so obvious in this type of projects, said Radosław Semkło, Director of the Telecommunications and Media Division at Asseco Poland.
While the migration of business customers was carried out in stages, and the main difficulty was the complexity of services and the need to adjust the offer, the migration of customers from the wholesale market, along with their history, had to be carried out in a one-off operation. It was a big challenge because the whole process had to be performed without any impact on current operational work, in a very short, as for such a complex process, service window. The migration was carried out in close cooperation between Orange and Asseco, in accordance with the schedule adopted by both parties, and at present the clients are already receiving clearing documents from the modern billing system, said Sławomir Madej, Operations Director of the Group, Asseco Poland.
Asseco has over 20 years of experience in implementing projects for the telecommunications sector. The company's solutions are used by leading GSM and fixed telephony operators, such as Orange. The company provides, among others, IT solutions enabling the introduction of convergent offers and supporting sales and customer service. It has competence centers in Poland, Central Europe and Israel.
Asseco Poland is the largest Polish IT company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE). For over 25 years it has been creating technologically advanced software for companies from key sectors of the economy. The company is present in over 54 countries around the world and employs more than 24,000 people. It is also the largest supplier of modern IT solutions in Central and Eastern Europe.