Asseco to transfer Orange customers to a new system

Asseco Poland will be responsible for the implementation of the Serat Decommissioning (Serat Deco) program for Orange Poland. It is one of several strategic projects aiming to provide a modern environment for the operator’s customer services. The project will involve the migration of data of business customers served by Orange.
During the project execution, Asseco is going to transfer customers’ data into a new billing system, namely Oracle Billing and Revenue Management (BRM). The migration process will cover the data of B2B fixed-line telephony customers as well as wholesalers, who offer their own telecommunications services based on the infrastructure provided by Orange Poland. The project will enable Orange to consolidate its billing systems and to upgrade the level of its customer services and the related billing and revenue management. The migration of customer data is expected to be completed by mid-2017.
“We have been assigned to collect the system requirements, carry out the analytical phase, implement any modifications to the BRM system and its integrated software environment, as well as to migrate the customers’ data,” said Radosław Semkło, Director of the Telecommunications and Media Division at Asseco Poland.
“Serat Deco is a continuation of key activities undertaken by Orange Poland in the area of billing systems, as well as one of our major strategic programs aimed at the transformation of our business and technology. Building a new integrated software environment is an important element of this transformation,” said Piotr Muszyński, Vice President of Orange Poland. “This will change our approach to selling and servicing modern telecommunications services, and in particular converged services,” he added.
Asseco is one of the key IT vendors for Orange Poland. It acts as the operator’s partner being responsible, among others, for the development of invoicing and customer service systems as well as for outsourcing of a billing system for fixed-line telephony. The company has also implemented its proprietary Asseco Utility Management Solutions (AUMS) which support the management and billing processes involved in the sale of electricity that has been launched by Orange Poland earlier this year.