Asseco will develop a system to support farmers in KRUS

Asseco has signed an agreement with the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS) for the maintenance and development of the Workflow system, which is a central component of the Integrated Information System (ZSI) supporting the most important business processes of KRUS. The value of the contract, which will be executed for a period of 4 years, amounts to over PLN 42 million gross.
Workflow integrates the services of specialized IT systems, such as Farmer, NSIU or KACHNA, used to provide insurance and benefits to farmers and their family members. Through a uniform user interface in the form of a portal for KRUS's employees, it ensures secure data exchange with external institutions, such as the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) (e.g. in the field of e-sick leaves), the National Health Fund (NFZ), the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARiMR), the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MRPiPS) and the Farmer Rehabilitation Centers. In turn, the central component of the Workflow system - the Identity Management - ensures control and security of access to the ZSI. The system also offers access to the "KRUS e-Contribution" service, which allows for making social security and health insurance contributions by means of online direct payments.
The agreement with KRUS will be executed by the consortium of Asseco Poland and Asseco Data Systems within 48 months from the date of its signature.
Under the signed contract, Asseco will take care of the maintenance of the Workflow system, ensuring its uninterrupted, failure-free and safe operations. We will also provide technical support and end-user support. The development of the system, in turn, will involve the introduction of all modifications resulting from changes in legislation, IT projects implemented by KRUS and other needs. Currently, Asseco's solution is used by more than 3,000 KRUS's employees in over 250 locations. In turn, the eKRUS system is used by over 15,000 farmers and their number has been growing rapidly, said Witold Malina, Director of the Agriculture Division, Asseco Poland.
The Workflow system is integrated with other systems that support KRUS's activity: registration of insured persons, payment of short-term benefits and granting and payment of pension and disability benefits. Therefore, ensuring continuity of all processes, including punctuality and correctness of disbursements, is key in this project. The competence team of Asseco Data Systems, which has many years of analytical and design experience in carrying out tasks for KRUS, will be responsible for achieving this goal. It will provide support services to end users of the system at KRUS with the use of multi-channel SERVICE-DESK, said Lech Szczuka, Vice President of the Management Board of Asseco Data Systems, responsible for the Social Benefits Division.
For many years, Asseco Poland has been a reliable partner for institutions involved in the Polish agriculture sector. Over the past few years, the company has implemented projects for the Agricultural Property Agency (ANR), the Agency for the Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARiMR) and KRUS.
Asseco Poland developed the Workflow system for KRUS as the winner of an international tender settled in 2009. It was a very complex project, which was financed with funds from the World Bank. At that time, Asseco integrated the systems in KRUS in such a way that they could function as a uniform central system in the whole country. In 2014, the company signed a 4-year agreement with KRUS for the maintenance and development of the system.
The company has been supporting Polish farmers for many years, being the largest producer of software for the public sector in Poland. The company has built and implemented comprehensive systems for, among others, the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARiMR), the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS), the Agricultural Property Agency (ANR), the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) and the Ministry of Interior and Administration and the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMiGW). Asseco Poland is also the largest Polish IT company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) and the sixth-largest producer of software. It leads the international Asseco Group, which operates in 54 countries and employs over 24,000 people.