Asseco partners the State 2.0 conference

Modern IT solutions help build a friendly state. Wherever citizens’ comfort and convenience is on one end then the security of systems processing sensitive data is on the other end. E-security will be one of the main topics during the 7th edition of Computerworld’s State 2.0 conference. Asseco is the strategic partner of the event which will be held in Warsaw on March 2 & 3.
Asseco has years of experience in creating solutions that meet the highest security standards for central and local authorities. Our approach in building a modern and safe state is a thoroughly comprehensive one, covering all angles; as opposed to doing it in a piecemeal way. During Computerworld’s State 2.0 conference we will share our knowledge and expertise in this area. Our experts will include:
Andrzej Dopierała – CEO of Asseco Data Systems – who will discuss the vision of building a secure e-Poland
Krzysztof Groyecki – VP Asseco Poland – who will take part in the debate on health care
Tomasz Bendlewski – Director of the Energy and Gas Division at Asseco Poland – who will participate in the debate on energy
Zdzislaw Wiater – Director of the Military Section at Asseco Poland – who will act as moderator for the ‘National Defense 2.0’ debate