Asseco among top 10 listed companies

Asseco took 9th place in the “Listed Company of the Year 2015” ranking prepared by Puls Biznesu business daily. Capital market experts evaluated 126 companies, taking into account their management competence, success accomplished in 2015, development outlook, innovation of products and services, as well as investor relations. Asseco achieved the best result in the category of investor relations, where it ranked 5th as a company that provides investors with complete information and regular dividends.
The “Listed Company of the Year” is the oldest ranking in the Polish stock market which has been organized by the editors of Puls Biznesu and TNS Poland already for 17 years. The market-leading companies are chosen by nearly 100 randomly selected brokers, analysts and investment advisors, who represent brokerage houses, insurance companies, pension, investment and trust funds, equity departments of banks, and consulting firms.