Asseco improves its competencies within the space sector

Asseco Poland together with the European Space Agency (ESA) launched a project for the development of a light-weight, web-based Monitoring and Control client application for space missions. It will be completed within 12 months and its value is around the PLN 1 m net mark.
Asseco Poland will develop a light-weight, web-based client application for Monitoring and Control of cube-sat experiments. The tool is called EUD4MO (EGOS User Desktop 4 CCSDS Mission Operations Services). The application developed by Asseco will expose the capabilities of Mission Operation Services for Monitoring and Control of satellites to distributed users. These capabilities are based on modern international standards of the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Mission Operations (MO) Framework. Having access to these generic capabilities through a web-interface will reduce costs and facilitate the exchange of experiences and observations between the parties involved. The new project involving Asseco Poland will be carried out for the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC), located in Darmstadt, Germany. It forms part of a larger collaboration between Asseco Poland and the European Space Agency, which dates back to 2014.
Zdzisław Wiater Deputy Director of the Public Administration Division at Asseco Poland: Cooperating with ESA on this project gives us an opportunity to gain further experience and to strengthen our competencies within the space sector. This sector will grow rapidly in the coming years. It is, therefore, very important for Polish companies to have a stake in this and be a partner in the implementation of such projects, which are also planned by the government.
The European Space Agency is an intergovernmental agency with responsibilities that include the implementation of it member states’ plans in the area of research and space exploration, as well as learning about the Earth and, more generally, the Solar System. As part of its mission it also provides the citizens of Europe and the rest of the world with the benefits from investments in the space sector. Poland officially joined the European Space Agency in 2012.
Global objectives of the ESA project were presented in a video format, published by the European Space Agency here:
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