Quick access to medical records with Asseco's app

Today's patients want to have quick access to their current health data. What counts for them is time, quality and safety of medical services, so it is not surprising that the market of health applications has been developing very dynamically. Already 45%* of Central and Eastern European citizens declare that they use or are considering using these applications on mobile devices. Asseco, taking advantage of many years of experience in informatization of medical institutions, has developed a dedicated application called Informacje Medyczne (Medical Information), which is the first such product on the Polish market. It enables convenient management of information provided by medical units and its use via smartphones.
Owing to the Informacje Medyczne application, patients get access to the results of examinations, which were previously collected only by a health care unit. They can also download the documentation directly to their phone without having to visit the unit. If the documents are not available in a digital version, it is possible to save their photo. A useful function is also the simplification of logging in to the electronic registration in medical units and the creation of a list of selected places where treatment is carried out.
Asseco has been consistently following ongoing trends in the healthcare sector. Among them, one direction of change is undoubtedly dominant - it puts patients at the centre of attention, giving them special rights. They are the owner of medical data and very often the main carrier of information about their health. Therefore, it is very important that both a patient and medical units have the tools to simplify the mutual exchange of information. Thanks to our new application, a patient has access to relevant medical information and can decide for whom to provide it. All of this takes place on a smartphone, which is nowadays one of the main communication tools. In my opinion, this direction of change will be of key importance for the healthcare sector in the coming period, said Krzysztof Groyecki, Vice President of the Management Board, Asseco Poland.
From the point of view of medical units in hospitals and clinics or single-person doctor's surgeries, the application saves time and ensures the security of transmitted information. Owing to the application, access to medical data is granted without the involvement of personnel. In turn, doctors gain the possibility of more effective implementation of visits and medical consultations because they can receive medical documentation from a patient in advance. For the managers of medical units it means therefore a reduction of costs related to the work of the staff and telephone communication with patients.
Asseco's Informacje Medyczne application ensures a high level of security of the transmitted data and operates in a simple, fast and modern way. The functionalities of the solution undoubtedly simplify the flow of information between a patient and medical units, and thus fit perfectly into the requirements of co-financed projects aimed at increasing the availability of medical facilities for a patient, said Szymon Chamuczyński, Director of the Mass Products Department, Asseco Poland. We are constantly developing our product because we want it to become one of the basic tools supporting a modern patient in the treatment process, and so for example, we will soon add the possibility of remote prescription ordering or receiving a message directly from the attending physician, he added.
The new solution is integrated with Asseco's another application – Apteczka Domowa (Home First Aid Kit) - which is used to manage medicines in terms of their possession, dosage, application and expiry date. It can be run directly from the Informacje Medyczne application level.
Check with your medical institution to see if it uses the Informacje Medyczne application for patient service and download it today!
Asseco Poland is the largest Polish IT company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE). For over 25 years is has been creating technologically advanced software for companies and institutions from key sectors of the economy. It is currently the largest IT company in Central Europe and the sixth largest software producer in Europe. It is a leader on the market of IT solutions for health care and a manufacturer of proprietary IT solutions used by over 450 hospitals in Poland, units of the National Health Fund, Blood Donation and Blood Treatment Centers, health resorts, as well as over 14,000 clinics and surgeries. Asseco successfully passed the Connectathon IHE marathon in The Hague in 2018. This is an official confirmation of Asseco systems' seamless interaction with other IT solutions and their compatibility with the IHE integration profiles. The use of the IHE profiles is recommended by the European Commission and the Centre for Health Information Systems (CSIOZ).
PwC report