Asseco - the IT brand with the highest media coverage on the Polish market

Asseco won the Top Brand 2018 ranking in the category of software producers. The list was prepared by Press Magazine and PRESS-SERVICE Monitoring Mediów. It is the largest ranking of this type including the brands with the highest media coverage on the Polish market.
The study took into account material published in the press, the Internet and social media during the period from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. Over 52 million pieces of information were analyzed in this way. Among software producers, the Asseco brand appeared in various communication channels several times more frequently than the other brands included in the list.
The ranking covered 50 sectors most frequently appearing in the media, and as many as 500 brands were surveyed. 50 companies received the title of Top Brand 2018.
Full list of winners: