A very successful year for Asseco. Organic growth and good prospects for the coming quarters.

In 2023, the Asseco Group reached PLN 16.9 billion in revenues (EUR 3.7 billion). The sales of its proprietary IT products and related services exceeded PLN 13.2 billion (EUR 2.9 billion). Operating profit amounted to more than PLN 1.6 billion (EUR 359 million). Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company reached PLN 483 million (EUR 107 million), the second highest net profit in the Group's history.
Asseco's results are very well diversified geographically. In 2023, foreign markets represented by the Formula Systems and Asseco International segments together accounted for 88% of the Group’s total revenues. The sales of the Formula Systems segment amounted to PLN 10.9 billion (EUR 2.4 billion), with operating profit of PLN 906 million (EUR 200 million). In the Asseco International segment, revenues amounted to PLN 4.1 billion (EUR 896 million), and operating profit – after a 12% increase – reached PLN 456 million (EUR 101 million). In turn, the sales of the Asseco Poland segment increased by 13% to nearly PLN 2.0 billion (EUR 434 million), and operating profit amounted to PLN 264 million (EUR 58 million).
"2023 was another very good year for Asseco. Foreign exchange rates had a significant impact on the Group's performance during this period. Organically, we grew steadily – our revenues increased in fixed exchange rates by 5%, and operating profit went up by 6%. We achieved the second highest net profit in our more than 30-year history. We continue to consistently implement the chosen strategy, focusing on software production and proprietary services, as well as strong diversification. I am pleased that we have been able to produce such good results despite the difficult economic environment and the tense geopolitical situation. This shows that uncertain times call for an increased role for digitization, with a particular focus on cloud solutions, cyber security or artificial intelligence. Our priority remains to provide the highest quality proprietary software to institutions and companies in key economic sectors. In the past year, we worked hard to strengthen our market position in each of the business segments in which we operate. In 2023, we acquired 7 companies operating in Portugal, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, as well as the Israeli market. Since our IPO on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in 2004, more than 135 companies have joined our Group. As a result, currently Asseco employs over 33,000 people in 60 countries on 6 continents," said Adam Góral, President of the Management Board of Asseco Poland.
Asseco's consolidated order backlog for 2024 in the area of proprietary software and services, is now worth more than PLN 10.2 billion (EUR 2.4 billion). In fixed exchange rates, in which the backlog for 2023 was calculated, it exceeds PLN 11.1 billion (EUR 2.4 billion) and is 14% higher than in the corresponding period last year.
"Since the start of the war in Ukraine, we have been facing an increased risk and number of cyber attacks. That is why it is so important to build the state's cyber resilience at every level of operations – both nationwide and as far as the local government is concerned. As a provider of solutions for a number of public institutions and businesses, we will continue to take an active role in securing IT systems, as well as helping to adapt infrastructure and security procedures to the new realities," added Adam Góral.
"One of our ambitions remains the cloud services market and active participation in this fast-growing area of the IT sector. In addition to our proprietary software and the construction of cloud resources within the framework of Asseco Cloud, we cooperate with the world's largest public cloud providers. Ahead of us is another year in which we will be working on the implementation and development of artificial intelligence applications. The goal is to make advances that we have not yet experienced. We have a huge opportunity to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. In particular, it is worth mentioning health care, public administration, the manufacturing sector or services. Used wisely, artificial intelligence will also contribute to increasing the level of cyber security by accelerating the detection of potential threats," emphasized Adam Góral.
Asseco has been consistently building shareholder value and sharing its profit with shareholders. This year, the company's Management Board recommended to the General Meeting of Shareholders that a dividend of PLN 250 million (EUR 58 million) be paid for 2023, which translates into PLN 3.66 (EUR 0.8) per share participating in the dividend payment*.
* Dividend per share, after excluding own shares that do not participate in the dividend.