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Asseco Poland cares for investor relations

Asseco Poland was recognized for the quality of its investor relations – the company was ranked inside the top ten of a ranking assessing this area of corporate activity at WIG30 companies. The study was prepared by Parkiet and the Chamber of Brokerage Houses. Asseco Poland was ranked 4th among the readers of Parkiet and individual investors. The company took 9th place among analysts and institutional investors.

Patryk Wasilewski IR Manager at Asseco Poland: At Asseco Poland we use a variety of channels to communicate with our shareholders, including dedicated company websites, such as We work closely with market analysts and economic and financial media. We participate in a number of investor meetings and conferences, both in Poland and abroad. Moreover, via our official Twitter and LinkedIn profiles we’re active on social media, which forms an important source of information about the company. There you can find not only the latest news on Asseco, but also links to opinions given by our representatives. We’re open to multi-channel communication with the market and we see that shareholders and analysts appreciate this.
