Digital bank in 6 days! To build or renovate? - Asseco Banking Forum 2020

The old and universal dilemma - to build or renovate - nowadays gains a new dimension and a new meaning. How quickly can a digital bank be created today and how should it be understood? Do the digital bank and the digital transformation still mean the same thing? Can we still afford digital transformation programs lasting five or seven years when a very short time to implement the necessary change has become a condition for survival? This is one of the main issues that will be addressed during this year's Asseco Banking Forum 2020 conference. The event will be held online on October 6, 2020.
The consolidation of the banking market, the entry of new players - fintechs and the environment of low interest rates have shaped the conditions of the financial sector in recent years. This year another factor has been added to the above mentioned - the uncertainty and unpredictability of the near future, related to the coronavirus pandemic and its social and economic consequences. This forces the banks to re-solve the previously known dilemmas. The difference is that this time, it is not about greater or lesser efficiency as a result of decisions made. Now it may determine their survival," said Adam Góral, President of the Management Board of Asseco Poland.
For more information about the conference and its agenda, please see the website: