Economy needs a stock exchange

More than 200 persons, including economists, representatives of brokerage houses and public administration, attended the 16th Conference of the Chamber of Brokerage Houses that was held on the first weekend of March in Bukowina Tatrzańska, Poland. Among miscellaneous topics, the participants discussed on how the capital market can help support the Polish economy. The conference was held under the honorary auspices of Mateusz Morawiecki, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development, Ministry of the State Treasury, as well as the Financial Supervision Authority.
“The development of Polish enterprises is impossible without a strong capital market,” said Adam Góral, President of Asseco Poland, who took part in the panel discussion. “Asseco Poland could not grow if the Polish stock exchange was not at hand. Thanks to the capital raised in the stock market, my company is able to operate on a global scale. The capital market offers an opportunity to build large businesses,” he added.
The Conference of the Chamber of Brokerage Houses is one of the largest and most prestigious events in the Polish securities industry with the participation of top capital market experts. This year’s conference was a special event, because it was held in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the capital market in Poland and the 20th anniversary of the Chamber of Brokerage Houses.